



  • 2001
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    Star Trek: Enterprise

    Star Trek: Enterprise

    7.57 2001 HD

    Píše sa 22. storočie. Je tomu takmer 100 rokov od prvého kontaktu ľudí s Vulkáncami. Ale až teraz má...

  • 1995
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    Star Trek: Voyager

    Star Trek: Voyager

    7.80 1995 HD

    U.S.S. Voyager hneď pri svojej prvej misii, ktorá mala za úlohu objasniť zmiznutie Makistskej lodi s dôstojníkom...

  • 2008
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    Perníkový tatko

    Perníkový tatko

    8.90 2008 HD

    Stredoškolskému učiteľovi chémie je diagnostikovaná rakovina a tak sa rozhodne pred svojou smrťou zaopatriť...

  • 2019
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    Criminal: UK

    Criminal: UK

    7.20 2019 HD

    Within the walls of an interrogation room, London investigators question suspects accused of grievous crimes until the truth comes to light.

  • 1973
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    Star Trek

    Star Trek

    6.80 1973 HD

    The animated adventures of Captain Kirk, Mr. Spock and the crew of the Starship Enterprise.

  • 1999
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    Machri a šprti

    Machri a šprti

    8.15 1999 HD

    Na strednej škole McKinley v americkom štáte Michigan sa píše rok 1980. Miestne, intelektuálne a trochu...

  • 1994
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    Babylon 5

    Babylon 5

    8.05 1994 HD

    Babylon 5 je vesmírna stanica na neutrálnom území, založená po vojne. Jej poslaním je udržiavať mier. Aj...

  • 2017
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    Five Came Back

    Five Came Back

    7.30 2017 HD

    Five acclaimed contemporary directors tell the story of five legendary Hollywood filmmakers who enlisted in the armed forces to document World War II.

  • 2005
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    The Triangle

    The Triangle

    6.20 2005 HD

    A shipping magnate hires four experts from various fields to investigate what happened to his ships that went missing in the Bermuda Triangle. The...

  • 2004
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    The Staircase

    The Staircase

    7.55 2004 HD

    Academy Award-winning documentary filmmaker, Jean-Xavier de Lestrade, presents a gripping courtroom thriller, offering a rare and revealing inside...
