During the Tenpo period, the three samurai under the command of the Nanba magistrate were responsible for handling exceptional cases. However, their...
During the Kyoho period in the reign of Tokugawa Yoshimune, there is a gang of thieves active not just in Edo but also the Tokaido and the Nakasendo,...
Saotome Mondonosuke, "Hatamoto" (direct servant of the shogun), a handsome man with a scar on his forehead in the form of a crescent moon, a favorite...
Ryōmaden is the 49th NHK Taiga drama. It was shown on NHK from January 3 to November 28, 2010 spanning 48 episodes. The story centers on the life of...
Once Craig Ferguson retires, James Corden will be taking over The Late Late Show. The show is a late night talk show that interviews celebrities and...