A bizarre case from ten years ago involves the Chong Ming Wei, an organization known as China's X-Men. Three young heroes who are either compelled by...
Fearsome and with cold attitude Shen Xi Ling , spreads chaos and fear in his school. At the same time, Su Xiao Xiao a member of swimming team, always...
Lizzy is the stage manager for Crown Lake's latest production: Phantom. But when the show's lead and Lizzy's biggest crush, Noah, is put in a coma by...
Time Team is a British television series which has been aired on British Channel 4 from 1994. Created by television producer Tim Taylor and presented...
Kimizuka Kimihiko is a crisis-magnet. So it is no surprise when his rather mundane flight suddenly enters a state of emergency with a dire need of a...
Yan Dan is the only descendant of an ancient tribe, the four-leaf scorpion. Since ancient times, her whole body has been a treasure of medicine. She...
In this two-part miniseries adaptation of the classic adventure novel, young Jim Hawkins is the only one who can direct a schooner to an island known...